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Looking at the future of AMM

The economical procurement and continuous processing of consumption data is a challenge for countless market participants. Generation, distribution and dynamic tariff control rely just as much on real-time data as marketing, customer relationship management and procurement functions. An effective AMM system must therefore be tailored to customer specifications in an economical way, giving utilities the flexibility to focus on specific areas.

Responding to the demand for flexibility and choice
Landis+Gyr’s AMM system enables utilities to significantly improve their efficiency across all business areas. This even includes the introduction of demand response via dynamic pricing, as well as the maintenance of supply infrastructure via network management.

Ultimately, Landis+Gyr delivers increased business value and improved environmental performance – essential ingredients for success in today’s evolving energy market.

Integrated multi-energy
Landis+Gyr’s multi-energy AMM system makes utility processes of operating, monitoring and managing electricity, heat, gas and water more efficient as it integrates them into one, easy-to-use system.
By using one unified AMM solution, savings can be made on everything from infrastructure and running costs to workload. Utility personnel need only use one system that manages everything; changes and updates are easy to carry out when all parts of the system are compatible.

Building a smart grid
Power Quality Information in our AMM system can be used to increase energy efficiency by optimising electricity network capacity. It enables better awareness of network status by finding out at which metering points power outages and voltage changes have occurred. This functionality contributes toward the development of a smart grid.

Future-proof products
We have added system support to the following Landis+Gyr multi-energy devices, which use industry standards and are designed for reliable long-life operation:

  • The E120LiME meter, the first residential smart meter with fully integrated multi-energy functionality
  • The ULTRAHEAT® UH50 ultrasonic heat meter, which can now be part of the system via the E120LiME meter or with a separate ET50 terminal unit
  • The ET50, a multifunctional terminal, which is used to connect electricity, heat, gas and water meters to the system

Interoperability through open architecture system platform
The integration and connection of external systems is a core function of Landis+Gyr AMM. The integration adapter module enables the exchange of data in the correct format at the right time. In this way, additional investments can be omitted and it remains possible to use currently existing information systems. The system supports even devices that were introduced right at the beginning of the age of remote meter reading – a huge plus in a sector with long investment cycles!

Enhancing AMM usability
Landis+Gyr has also developed Dashboard, a web-based application for searching, viewing and controlling the customer’s metering and other information. Dashboard’s graphic interface provides easy access to metering information stored in the database without requiring previous knowledge of the AMM solution.

A Finnish energy company Kainuun Energia, one of the first to implement the Dashboard, finds the tool extremely practical and efficient. “Dashboard brings AMM to a totally new level. The use of metering information is considerably enhanced because metering data is always available to all parties who need it,” states Jari Rusanen, Metering Manager at Kainuun Energia.

Growing with the environment
Landis+Gyr contributes to more efficient use of resources and hence better environmental outcomes. The next few years offer exciting change within the company as it continues to grow, innovate and drive the market forward with a view to maintaining sustainable growth while at the same time helping its utility customers to manage energy better.